Energy Saving Tips For Your Home

Energy prices: they’re a hot topic! And it doesn’t look like there’ll be a clear cut resolution anytime soon. Luckily, there are a few ways you can take energy saving into your own hands. With some expert help and a few useful energy saving tips for your home, you can lower your power bill. Better still, you can improve the reliability and efficiency of your home’s electrical systems. Seem too good to be true right? But stick with us – we have a few useful energy saving tips to get you started.

Start by calling in the experts for an electrical audit and some professional energy saving tips

We are willing to bet that you’ve heard most energy saving tips before. Things like turning off lights and reducing air conditioner usage are all pretty common knowledge by now. And although they are effective, there is more to be done. That’s why our first tip is to get a professional electrician to audit your home and work out where you can be saving energy. Often, a professional eye will catch the things that we miss, like outdated fittings or suboptimal appliances. Normally, these audits are pretty brief and the results can be astonishing. It’s a win-win too; if you find an area for improvement then you can save money by addressing it. If you don’t you can rest easy in the knowledge that you’re living as energy efficiently as you practically can.

Speak to an electrician about energy saving solar options – they might have some tips

If your home ticks the right boxes, solar could be a useful energy saving option for you. So how can you tell if your solar compatible or not? Generally, solar compatibility depends on things like direct natural sunlight, and geographical location. Of course, there are plenty of other factors to consider as well. But these are quite technical, and best left to an expert. If you want to learn more, do some research and contact your utilities company or an electrician for advice.

Contact an expert to get your light fittings rewired so they’re LED compatible

LED lights consume far less energy than their outdated counterparts. That’s why making the switch to LED is one of the simplest, and most effective energy saving tips around. But what if your light fittings don’t support LED bulbs? Then it’s time to get a licenced and qualified electrician to help you make the switch. The initial cost will pale in comparison to the savings you gain over years of improved energy efficiency.

The best energy saving tips normally change the way you use your appliances – here’s why

Not all energy saving tips are about making changes to your electrical systems. Some of the most effective energy saving tips actually change our behaviour. One of our favourite examples is this tip on using the washing machine. If you wait until your dirty laundry has accumulated into a full load, you can save power. It might sound a bit abstract, but if you wash half-loads each time to stay on top of your washing, then you’re using close to twice as much energy as you need to. By reducing the number of loads you put on, you’re also reducing the power you use. And something as simple as a bigger laundry basket can help you achieve this!

Do you live in an older home? Get your electrical systems upgraded for improved efficiency

Finally, let’s talk older homes. Older homes have character and charm; for most people, there could be nowhere better to live. But there’s one thing holding a lot of older homes back and that’s electrical system. By addressing old wiring, faulty connections, and corroded terminals, you can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your electrical systems. This can, in turn, help you save on energy!

For reliable, safe, and effective energy solution, get in touch!

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