4 Step Aircon Cleaning Guide
Advice Air Conditioning
Summer is here. As the weather heats up and we sweat ourselves into a dehydrated frenzy, don’t forget to give your hardworking air-conditioner some much needed TLC as it pumps out streams of cool, crisp air. The team at Mercury Installations have seen our fair share of tired, laboring aircon units, breaking down and fizzling out in the depths of Queensland’s hottest months because no maintenance plan existed. Don’t fall into the same trap – here is our four step central aircon cleaning guide. Just remember, an occasional clean is no substitute for an expert service, but it certainly saves money, promotes efficiency and lifts the longevity of your unit!
Safety First
Always let someone know what you’re doing. A central air conditioning unit incorporates electronics, chemistry and hardware – you need to be confident with the mechanics. Please note, these tasks are normally performed by professionals; if your unit is making any strange sounds or there is an excess build up, do not attempt this yourself. This instruction list is only suited to central units in good working order.
Turn Off the Power
Do not proceed without first shutting off the power to the external air conditioner box (located next to or beneath your house. Depending on the type, you will either a) pull the shutoff b) flick a switch c) pull a lever or d) remove the fuse entirely. If you’re not comfortable at this first step, please call a professional like Mercury Services!
Clear Debris
Grab a vaccum and replace the head with a soft bristled attachment. After removing any protective hardware, give the condenser fins a gentle clean, removing grass, leaves and foliage that could affect air rotation. Do you have a shrub problem? Make a note to clear any close by plants and trees. Remove the central fan slowly, being careful not to mess up the electrical wiring within and wipe the fan blades with a damp rag. Put everything back together after giving the insides a sponge clean.
On to Off to On
After disabling the thermostat for 24 hours, switch it on again and allow it to sit idle, without being used. Return to previous settings and wait ten minutes before allowing it to kick in completely – gauge how it sounds, feels and note the air quality. Is it any better?
Finals Outside Checks
Go back to your external portion and peel back any pipe insulation near the air compressor – when everything is working as it should be, one pipe will be warm to touch and the other will be cool. Any variation? Call Mercury Services for a detailed check.
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