5 Way To Save Energy This Winter

As we run headlong into what’s shaping up to be a cold winter, one thing is at the fore of many minds: energy. Fighting the cold is vital in winter; it’s a matter of comfort. But it can also be costly. Running heaters, electric blankets, and even heat lamps all night long can take a toll on your energy bill. It can also take a toll on the environment.

That means more and more homes are looking for ways to save money on electricity this winter. But how can you do so? There are plenty of energy-saving tips getting around, but they range from ineffective, to the extreme. Luckily, we’ve rationalised a few of those tips, and come up with these five sure-fire hits.

There’s nothing warmer than a good blanket

Believe it or not, the simplest way to save energy is with an extra blanket or two. All the heaters in the world won’t give you the same cosy feeling you get under a few blankets and a doona! So why not make the most of it? It’s probably going to be cheaper to buy some extra blankets than it will be to run heaters non-stop. And there’s no question that a few extra blankets will help you use less energy. Sometimes, the simple solution is the best, and when it comes to saving energy that’s certainly the case.

The humble door snake can save more energy that a lot of people realise – here’s how

Speaking of simple solutions, what could be simpler than a door snake? A small knitted sausage is often the difference between an overworked heater and a comfortable room. The reason is simple: draughts. Even the slightest cold breeze slipping through your doorway is enough to put significant strain on your heaters. They’re already working overtime on those extra cold nights, so the slightest adversity could tip them over the edge. The result is poorer heating and higher energy consumption. So give your heater a fighting chance, and save energy with a door snake or two.

Natural light is packed full of goodness – including heat! Use it to save energy this winter

Even during the day can be challenging for Queenslanders in winter. There’s always a good few weeks where the shade seems to harbour nothing but bitter coldness. So why not get rid of the shade? Better still, try harnessing the unfathomable energy that the sun offers on a daily basis! The simple act of opening a few curtains can warm your home significantly. It’s completely free, and uses no energy whatsoever; natural light is the key to saving energy in winter.

It takes less energy to boil a kettle than it does to run a heater all night: that can save you energy!

Boiling a kettle before bed is a great ritual that many people enjoy. The cosy feeling of a warm cuppa after a cold day is second to none. But it gets better still; that act of boiling the kettle can help you save energy. Firstly, a warm cup of tea will help warm you up, no matter how cold the night is. And if you add some extra water to the kettle, you can take that warm feeling to bed with you in the form of a hot water bottle. It’s cost-effective and energy-efficient, but better still, it’s warm!

Finally, make sure your electrical systems are up to scratch: it’ll save you energy all year around

The last way to save energy in winter, summer, and each season in between, is with a good electrical checkup. Getting a qualified electrician to do an energy audit of your home is a great way to save energy. A thorough check will expose any energy inefficiencies, and help you streamline your energy consumption.

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